About the project

The aim of this partnership was for the learners, with the help of their teachers, to look for or produce original materials in English about their countries and, using these materials, design web tasks with activities to show distinctive features about their country.

Throughout the process,we have shared good practice on how to produce a web task and use it effectively in the language class through social networking or other technologies. They produced 31 web tasks that have been uploaded to the project site so that the learners in the partner countries can do them as part of their learning process. The web tasks help them practice the four communicative skills: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing and speaking.

There was a process of ranking the web tasks that was carried out by the learners themselves: in each country all the learners would award points to the web task from the other countries and the authors of the winning web tasks would win a mobility in the cases where there were more candidates than one for a mobility. The mobilities contributed to English language acquisition through different activities, the highlight of which and the constant of all visits was a Treasure Hunt around the city of the language school, prepared by the students and the teachers of the host country in order to show their city, history and traditions to the visitors in a fun and enjoyable way.

After each visit the learners participating had to submit to the project’s website his/her favorite photo with a short text explaining why they chose that picture. This section of the website is called “Memories of ….” and through it we can see how the greatest achievement of this partnership is the strong bonds that we have developed, the real friendships among participants that hopefully will continue well after the project is over.